Dream BIG Dreams
Our mission is to inspire and enable youth in Ethiopia to reimagine their future through increasing Literacy (OHBD-Ready Set Go Books), Innovation (STEAM), Leadership, and Inclusion.

OHBD Ready Set Go Books
Reading opens up a world of possibilities!
Our main literacy project is creating, publishing, printing and distributing, OHBD Ready Set Go Books. Our goal is to help increase literacy by closing the gap of insufficient, colorful, mother tongue, early reader, children's books to practice reading.
Since 2017, we developed creative, translation and production teams to scale pilot efforts. We now have over 125 unique bilingual titles in Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrinya, Somali, Anuak, Dizin, Kiswahili and French with more new books and more languages planned. All books sold fund the project.
We developed our own local printing capacity in Ethiopia in 2021. Combined with efforts of collaborating organizations, we printed and distributed over 300,000 copies of our books in country in multiple local languages. We have Amharic and Afaan Oromo titles continuously available for purchase and donation in Addis Ababa.
All of which is great, but there are 4MM first graders in Ethiopia, so we still have A LOT of work to do. With your help, our goal is to create at least 200 unique titles and distribute 1MM or more copies to kids all over Ethiopia in their mother tongue by the end of 2024 or sooner.
No kid should go through their childhood without colorful, fun books to practice their reading skills and discover more about their world.

OHBD leads game-changing efforts
We believe in the power of collaboration across organizations and the power of storytelling to share innovative approaches. We are honored to collaborate with many organizations and individuals with shared visions. We welcome sponsors for our projects and fund-development efforts. Learn more on our Sponsor page.